Here is some helpful information for your first visit to a Sunday morning worship service.
Low Pressure
There is always going to be a little bit of pressure, since we are told in Hebrews 10:24 to spur one another on toward love and good deeds. But, we are not going to ask you to stand up in front of everyone and introduce yourself. We are not going to force you to give us your personal information so we can track you down later. We are not going to ask you to empty your wallet into the offering. Just come and enjoy yourself.
Meeting Time
The Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:00 am and typically runs about an hour in length–really. We respect your time. How much time you spend hanging out afterward is up to you.
Our church facilities are easy to find and get to, located at 5300 Madison Avenue, about a mile east of the Hwy 80 freeway Madison Avenue exit.
Children and Youth
Children through Fifth Grade: We have an engaging and fun children’s program, which your kids are certain to find much more interesting than the adult teaching in the sanctuary. Children under four can be checked into their classrooms before service, located in the first floor hallway. Kids, ages 4 through fifth grade, check-in before service in the Fellowship Hall at the end of the first floor hallway. (There are signs to point you the way.) For more information about our children’s ministry see the Touchstone Kids page.
Youth (Sixth through Twelfth Grade): Youth begin in the sanctuary with the adults for worship. After we pray for them, they go to their own classrooms for teaching. For more information about our youth ministries refer to the Youth page.
Our dress code is simple: please come dressed. Seriously, we have a casual atmosphere.
Teaching and Music
The teaching is usually verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter, through books of the Bible. The worship music style is modern contemporary. The Watch and Listen page has lots of examples of the kind of teaching you can expect.
There are offering boxes available for those who want to worship God in this way and help support the church financially. It is the responsibility of all of the members of the church to be involved in this very important part of worship and sharing. At the same time, we don’t want anything to distract a person’s attention from a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. If you don’t consider yourself a member of this church yet, please don’t feel obligated to give. You are our guest, and we are glad you are here! For more on this topic please see the giving page.
Getting Involved
We believe it is vitally important that every believer have a place of service in the Body of Christ (the church), and we want to help you find yours. Read more on the vision and purpose page.
There are three things you can do to get started. First, fill out the Get Connected form and someone will contact you. Second, jump in and start lending a hand with things. Third, keep an eye out in the bulletin for opportunities to connect and help out.
Recordings of Teachings
You can watch or listen to past teachings online, or subscribe to the podcast.
We take communion together the first Sunday of the month. We have an open communion, meaning anyone who is a follower of Jesus Christ is welcome to participate. For more information about what communion is, read this article.
We usually have a baptism in the spring and another one in the fall. Watch the church bulletin and calendar for the dates. Since this is a great time to celebrate, we usually have some kind of church-wide barbecue or picnic that day too. For more information about what baptism is, read this article.
There is no formal membership at Touchstone. Instead, participating in the life of the church makes you a member, just like being a member of any other family. That means there are no vows, tests, or classes. You just need to get involved: attend worship services, join a small group, help with stuff that needs to be done, pray for the church and the other members, share in financially supporting the church, and share your faith in Jesus with others.