News and Events

From the Sunday Bulletin, 09-08-2024

Prayer and Praise Service: Join us this Sunday evening for a dedicated time of prayer and worship at 6:30 pm.

Men’s Friday Night: Make plans to join us, men, for an evening of great food, fellowship, worship, and Bible study. It all happens Friday night, September 13, beginning at 6:00 pm, right here at Touchstone. Bring some friends with you! Please make reservations in the lobby so we have a head count to plan for.

Shane Tiller’s Celebration of Life: Our dear brother has gone home to be with the Lord. He will be greatly missed by many of us. A celebration of Shane’s life will be on Saturday, September 14, at Noon, here at Touchstone.

Church Work Day: Lend a hand on Saturday, September 21, with fix-ups, clean-ups, touch-ups, tune-ups, haul-offs, and organizing. We will get started at 9:00 am. There will be something for all skill levels, inside and outside. If you have a wheelbarrow, rake, and shovel, please bring them. One of the things we will be doing is spreading landscape bark.

Touchstone’s 20-Year Anniversary: Make plans to be part of Touchstone’s 20-Year Anniversary on Sunday, October 6. We will have a special remembering-back service that morning, a BBQ lunch, other merrymaking, and cake! Let’s give thanks and celebrate the Lord’s goodness and blessing.

Sign-up to Bring Something to Share for the BBQ: Sign-up sheets are in the lobby for bringing appetizers, salads, and sides to the 20-Year Anniversary BBQ.

Helpers Needed for the 20-Year Anniversary BBQ: Sign-up to lend a hand with the set-up, clean-up, serving, and whatever else needs to be done that day.

Baptism on October 6: If you are a follower of Jesus and have not been baptized yet, this is a great opportunity for you to do that. Sign-up in the lobby if you are planning to be baptized on Sunday 10/06. In preparation, read through the pamphlet, “Explanations: Baptism,” available in the lobby and at

Women’s Retreat: The women’s retreat is full. But, if you have not registered already and want to go, you can be added to the waiting list, in case of a cancellation. See Debby Walker for more information.


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