Recent Sundays

Four Year Anniversary–Salt and Light | Jeff Miles | October 5, 2008

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Topics: Four Year Anniversary, Salt and Light, Celebrate, milestones, together, family, God deserves all the credit and glory, remember, gut check, fulfilling the mission, brick, building process, acceptance, nurturing, security, accountbility, guidance, encouragement, love, wanted, belonging, carry burdens, fulfill the Law of Christ, help each other through life, active participant, not a spectator sport, on the field, God’s redemptive plan, the First church, Acts, 4 pillars, Word of God, Fellowship, Worship, Prayer, blessing, inside, outside, You are the salt of the earth, loses saltiness, salty, You are the light of the world, city on a hill cannot be hidden, lamp, under a bowl, stand, light to everyone in the house, enhance flavor, encouragement, joy, strengthening, dark, confusing place, be a friend, creates thirst, Living Water, make Jesus attractive, winsome, desireable, be a good listener, insightful, alert, cry of the human heart, live a genuine, commited Christian life, drawn, different, alive, life-giving, hypocrisy turns people off, honesty, humility, genuineness, compassion, Preservative, jerky, salted meat, it’s not our job to hold back corruption in this world, political campaigns, friend of sinners, went to places where corruption existed, seeking to rescue and redeem people who there, are we fighting corruption OR ARE WE SAVING PEOPLE?, Vital commodity needed for life, life bringers, Christ’s ambassadors, reflectors of His light, moon reflects sun’s light, purity, truth, knowlege, Reno, NV, Nevada, big city, Harrah’s casino sign, seen easily, sara groves song, To the Moon, sarcastic commentary, it’s not time for the church to check out, get involved, be present, engaged as never before, we dare not neglect it for more convenient, comfortable pursuits, Touchstone family, I love you, thank you, privilege, honor, pastor, The Lord bless you and keep you. the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.

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